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Does alcohol increase aggression on the road?

On Behalf of | Jan 31, 2025 | PERSONAL INJURY (PLAINTIFF) - Drunk Driving Accidents

Aggressive drivers are everywhere. Commuters, truck drivers and motorcyclists—no one is immune to aggressive driving behavior. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 8 out of 10 American drivers have experienced road rage.

Almost everyone who uses the road is at risk of aggressive drivers, especially during rush hour. More people speed in the mornings to get to work or other commitments, and the same happens during the evening rush hour as people head home.

But mornings and rush hour aren’t the only times drivers are at risk. It’s especially dangerous to share the road with angry drivers, or drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or both.

Angry and impaired drivers are a risk to others 

Research suggests that people who abuse alcohol and drugs are more likely to experience road rage. While the research doesn’t directly connect alcohol to road rage, it does show that people who abuse these substances are more likely to drive recklessly and make poor decisions.

Drivers who are frequently angry are twice as likely to be involved in accidents. Plus, drivers who are on drugs or drunk often do dangerous things like speeding, changing lanes quickly and running red lights. When anger and impairment coincide, the danger to others on the road becomes much greater.

What to do when faced with road rage or impaired drivers

It’s important to avoid engaging with aggressive drivers, much less those driving under the influence. If you encounter an angry, potentially impaired driver, keep your distance. Don’t escalate the situation to avoid potentially dangerous consequences. If necessary, contact law enforcement to report dangerous behavior.

In the event of a collision, the report you file with the police can help support your personal injury claim. Such accidents can take a toll, both physically and financially. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s reckless driving, don’t be afraid to pursue compensation. The money you may recover can help cover the costs of your physical recovery and vehicle damage, allowing you to focus on getting back on your feet.